Friday 2 March 2012

Sunday 26th Feb - Elvaston Castle

Group photo at Elvaston Castle
We set off at half eight in the morning and headed for Argos in Beeston, but my Dad decided t speed off ahead to make sure he got there first, as he was leading it. By the time time we set off, we were in a huge bunch of 17 people! The weather was brilliant, I felt as if I was gliding along, which I suppose I was, because that's what happens when your in a bunch. I was at the front for most of the time, just inches from my Dads back whell and getting a little tow, while listening to the various conversations my Dad was having with his mates. We did get beeped by some stupid driver, but life's full of idiots, so I ignored it. We took a left turn just before the main carpark entrance for Elvaston Castle and sneaked past a gate and up a small road. It brought us out right outside Elvaston Castle, but we did have to ride up a small, cobbled incline which was not fun. We lade all seventeen of our bikes against a wall and piled into the cafe to by various food and drink. After refuelling we gathered in front of the clock tower for a group photo. The way back was shorter, only eight miles, and we were near home in no time at all. People started peeling off to get home, and me and my Mum stopped at our house while my Dad went back to Argos to finish the ride. I really enjoyed it and can't wait for the next club ride I go on. We only did twenty miles but it was just what I wanted.


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