Wednesday 19 September 2012


Hey, sorry I haven't been posting for a while, it's not that I haven't been on any rides, it's just that I've been completely forgetting. But I will give you a rough idea of what I've been getting up to.
    In the summer holidays I've been going the usual BCC intro and family rides, nothing too wondrous happened. We went to France! Woo! We drove down to Portsmouth with our luggage in the boot and four bikes on the back. The ferry was only about three hours, so that wasn't the worst bit. We Got off in Cherbourg and we were staying in the Vendée, so as you can imagine, it was along drive, about five or six hours with time for only one stop. I think, that apart from the weather, beaches, food and people, that cycling is the best thing about France. We were able to do our food shopping on our bikes, cycle to the beach. cycle to a café or restaurant. Quite a few times we would ride our bikes to the nearest town, Sion sur l'océan, and from there to the larger town of Saint Giles Criox de vie.
    As you probably know, France loves cycling. And there were many examples of this. Every road had either a lane for cycling along side it or a path for pedestrians and cyclists. One the most extreme cycle paths was in Saint-Jean-de-Monts, where there was the road, parking, a path for cyclists, and cyclists only, and another path for pedestrians.
    Over all, one of the best holidays I think I've ever been on.


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