Tuesday 28 May 2013

Lincoln Grand Prix 2013

Every year for the last couple of years we have visited Lincoln to watch the Cycling Race hosted there. We left later than before as we knew that there was no point seeing the start, as we would be hanging around for ages to see the finish.

We arrived at the course as the riders were on there second or fourth lap, and managed to park fairly close. After a wander up the hill we stopped a couple of different spots to watch them pass. By this time two groups had formed, with a significant gap between them.

We soon came across a little shop selling vintage clothing and, strangely, classic bikes. They looked pretty cool but we couldn't buy one, so me and dad had an idea. We could build one ourselves!

After a couple more minutes and it had started to rain. We trudged further up the hill to a cafe in the cellar of a tea and coffee shop. They sold nothing more than tea and coffee, juice, scones and cake. It wasn't brilliant but according to mum and dad it was a very fine coffee.

Refreshments over we continued on to the finish, with Tudor building and stuff either side. There were a few food stalls serving cake and fancy weird burgers. On the other side of the track stalls selling bike parts and advertising things had been set up.

The rain had begun to get a lot heavier now and we were getting a little bit cold. many of the riders had dropped out due to the weather. We watched the remaining few finish their last few laps and cheered them as the zoomed past the finish, before walking back through the rain to our car.


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